YES Together Foundation provides many avenues of opportunity for mentorship experiences for youth to access their innate wisdom, gifts and purpose so they can build a foundation of connection and value within their own lives.
Meet the founder - Dee Godere
Yes Together Foundation | Founder & Chair
As we make our way through the journey of life, it is precious to be reminded that all lives are intertwined by the threads of our individual choices that weave into the tapestry of our collective consciousness.
Our challenges and achievements will create opportunities for learning, further encouraging the next generations to seek their own paths to personal development and self-actualization.
It is within these opportunities that we find our purpose and unlock the hidden treasures of our potential together.
The world awaits your unique contribution to the symphony of life.
May you embrace the joy and power of perseverance through following your heart.
Dreams do come true!
With gratitude!
- Dee Godere